South Africa’s Fanonian Moment – Achille Mbembe to talk at University of Pretoria

You are cordially invited to the Department of Sociology, University of Pretoria

Prof Achille Mbembe from the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research, Wits wil speak on

South Africa’s Fanonian Moment

Copies of ‘On the postcolony’ will be available for sale on the day of the seminar. R250 will get you a copy which goes for R290 in the bookshops. A credit card facility will also be available.

Date: Thursday, 20th August 2015
Time: 11am – 12.30pm
Venue: Seminar Room 19-14, 19th Floor, Humanities Building

Inquiries: contact Dr Sepetla Molapo
([email protected]; Tel 012 420-2960)

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