The translation revolution

Adam Habib’s South Africa’s Suspended Revolution: Hopes & Prospects, published by Wits University Press has been translated into three other South African languages; Afrikaans, isiZulu and Sesotho.

This book, which was reprinted within two months from its original release in August 2013, can best be described as ‘cross-over’ non-fiction. It caters to two main audiences: scholarly readers (academics, students, researchers, policy analysts, journalists) and non-specialist readers with an interest in South African politics.

As a distinguished academic and well-respected political analyst / commentator who features regularly in the country’s media, Adam Habib speaks to an academic as well as general reader interested in South African politics. In order to promote more wide-ranging debate on the topic of South Africa’s future, and in order to take this debate outside the academic and metropolitan centres, Wits University Press has made a shortened version of the book available in isiZulu, Sesotho and Afrikaans.  It’s surprisingly unusual for non-fiction and specifically political books to be translated into African languages in South Africa. The publication in  these languages is a strategy to promote wider access to important political debates.

Wits University Press publisher, Veronica Klipp said, “Wits University Press hopes that the result will be a series of ground-breaking publications that open up new debates around both language policies and South Africa’s political future”.

The titles of the books are:

Afrikaans – Rewolusie Op Ys: Suid-Afrika se Vooruitsigte

isiZulu – Inguqukombuso YeNingizimu Afrika Eyabondwa Yashiywa Amathemba Namathuba

Sesotho – Ntwa ya Boitseko e Fanyehuweng ya Afrika Borwa Ditshepo le Ditebello





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