Peacebuilding, Power and Politics in Africa

Editor(s): ,
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Dimensions and Pages: 230 x 150 mm, 360 pp
  • EAN: 978 1 86814 574 4
  • Rights: Southern Africa
  • Recommended Price (ZAR): 270.00
  • Recommended Price (USD): n/a

Peacebuilding Power and Politics in Africa is a critical reflection on peacebuilding efforts in Africa. The tensions and contradictions in different clusters of peacebuilding activities, including peace negotiations; statebuilding; security sector governance; and disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration are exposed. Essays also address the institutional framework for peacebuilding in Africa and the ideological underpinnings of key institutions, including the African Union, NEPAD, the African Development Bank, the Pan- African Ministers Conference for Public and Civil Service, the UN Peacebuilding Commission, the World Bank, and the International Criminal Court.

The volume includes on-the-ground case study chapters on Sudan, the Great Lakes Region of Africa, Sierra Leone and Liberia, the Niger Delta, Southern Africa, and Somalia. The authors adopt a variety of approaches, but they share a conviction that peacebuilding in Africa is not a script that is authored solely in Western capitals and in the corridors of the United Nations. Rather, the focus on the interaction between local and global ideas and practices in the reconstitution of authority and livelihoods after conflict. It looks at the multiple ways in which peacebuilding ideas and initiatives are reinforced, questioned, reappropriated, and redesigned by different African actors.



Introduction: The Contested Politics of Peacebuilding in Africa
Devon Curtis

Peace as an Incentive for War
David Keen
The Politics of Negotiated Settlements in an Era of Liberal Peacebuilding
Sharath Srinivasan
Statebuilding and Governance: The Conundrums of Legitimacy and Local Ownership
Dominik Zaum
Security Sector Governance and Peacebuilding
Eboe Hutchful
The Limits of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration
Paul Omach

The Role of the African Union, New Partnership for Africa’s Development, and African Development Bank in Postconflict Reconstruction and Peacebuilding
Gilbert M. Khadiagala
Postconfl ict Peacebuilding as Statebuilding: The Case of the Pan-African Ministers Conference for Public and Civil Service
Chris Landsberg
The United Nations Peacebuilding Commission: Problems and Prospects
Funmi Olonisakin and Eka Ikpe
Financing Peace? The World Bank, Reconstruction, and Liberal Peacebuilding
Graham Harrison
The International Criminal Court: A Peacebuilder in Africa?
Sarah Nouwen

Peacebuilding in the Great Lakes Region of Africa
Rene Lemarchand
Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration in Southern Africa: Namibia, Angola, and Mozambique
Gwinyayi A. Dzinesa
Peacebuilding Through Statebuilding in West Africa? The Cases of Sierra Leone and Liberia
Comfort Ero, International Crisis Group
Building Peace in Sudan: A Daunting Task
Musifi ky Mwanasali
Oil and Peacebuilding in the Niger Delta
Aderoju Oyefusi
Peacebuilding Without a State: The Somali Experience
Christopher Clapham

Devon Curtis is Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Emmanuel College. Her main research interests and publications deal with power-sharing and governance arrangements following conflict, African rebel movements, and critical perspectives on conflict, peace and development. She is currently writing a book about peace-building in Burundi.

Gwinyayi A. Dzinesa is a senior researcher at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in the Conflict Prevention and Risk Analysis (CPRA) Division, in Pretoria, South Africa. Prior to assuming his post at ISS, he was a senior researcher at the Centre for Conflict Resolution in Cape Town, lecturer in the Department of International Relations at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, doctoral research fellow at the Centre for Africa’s International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, a visiting scholar at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo and a research officer at the Centre for Defence Studies at the University of Zimbabwe.

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One Response to “Peacebuilding, Power and Politics in Africa”

  1. […] traditional restorative practices. Devon Curtis and Gwinyayi A. Dzinesa have edited a pertinent collection of essays on the ideological conflicts that exist between different actors in the area of peacebuilding, […]