Durban launch for Changing Space, Changing City

University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, Wits University Press and the Urban Futures Centre at The Durban University of Technology cordially invite you to the launch of

 Changing Space, Changing City: Johannesburg after Apartheid

Edited by Philip Harrison, Graeme Gotz, Alison Todes and Chris Wray


Urban Governance in Post-Apartheid Cities: Modes of Engagement in South Africa’s Metropoles

Edited by Christoph Haferburg and Marie Huchzermeyer


Welcome word by Prof Ahmed Bawa – Vice-Chancellor of the Durban University of Technology

Guest speaker: Prof Bill Freund – Professor Emeritus UKZN Development Studies


DATE:           Tuesday 7 April 2015

TIME:            6.30 for 7.00 pm

VENUE:         Ike’s Books & Collectables

48a Florida Road, Durban

Tel: 031 303 9214

RSVP:           Cedric Sissing                                                                                                                                                  [email protected]

or 082 873 2702


Urban Governance in Post-Apartheid Cities: Modes of Engagement in South Africa’s Metropoles

Christoph Haferburg & Marie Huchzermeyer (eds.)

Urban governance as a term captures the complex interaction between stakeholders or groupings which influence urban development. In South Africa, this complexity emerged with the transition from apartheid over two decades ago. Today, governance influences priorities in a wide range of urban domains, from public transport to policing; from engagements at the neighbourhood level to city-wide strategies. In different configurations, urban governance shapes inner-city districts and gated estates on the urban periphery. The contributors to this volume cover urban governance in contemporary South Africa across three spheres, the state, the community and the private sector, through a variety of lenses. Spatial concerns are central to many of the analyses and case studies, in which the authors highlight different modes that influence the steering of South Africa’s largest cities.

Published by University of KwaZulu-Natal Press | ISBN 978 1 86914 259 9


Changing Space, Changing City: Johannesburg after Apartheid

Philip Harrison, Graeme Gotz, Alison Todes and Chris Wray (eds.)

As the dynamo of South Africa’s economy, Johannesburg commands a central position in the nation’s imagination, and scholars throughout the world monitor the city as an exemplar of urbanity in the global South. This richly illustrated study offers detailed empirical analyses and maps of changes in the city’s physical space, as well as a host of chapters on the character of specific neighbourhoods and the social identities being forged within them. Informing all of these is a consideration of underlying economic, social and political processes shaping the wider Gauteng region. A mix of respected academics, practising urban planners and experienced policymakers offer compelling overviews of the rapid and complex spatial developments that have taken place in Johannesburg since the end of apartheid, along with tantalising glimpses into life on the streets and behind the high walls of this diverse city.

Published by Wits University Press | ISBN 978 1 86814 765 6

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